

Here’s a trivia question for you:

What do America’s favorite vacation destinations and America’s favorite thrill rides both have in common?

Answer: water. 

People are drawn to water for vacation. They go to Lakes, the beach, the river–anywhere there is water people are drawn like moths to a light bulb. 

The same is true for thrill rides that plunge people down with a big splash or sprinkle them with water to make things seem more real–people love an element of water in their thrill rides.

Perhaps it’s because our bodies, our planet, and ideally our diet are comprised of 72% water.

One of the best mindfulness exercises I have found to have drop stress and gain Focus is the Skipping Stone Meditation.

Learn how to relax your mind and connect with water that is around you in the very air that you breathe and the body you are starting now…


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