Never Mind (InVision Radio)

There is a relentless bully pushing you around and it’s in your own mind.  It says things like, “You’ll NEVER be any good.”  “You’ll NEVER succeed.”  “He/She will NEVER love you.” And, things that are even more...

I think therefore I am…happy

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” These words are attributed to the...

Is the formula really < Money = + Happiness ?

Money = Happiness  A thousand times and in hundreds of ways we have heard that this is not true and yet inside we all still have some latent belief to the contrary.  Consider ads for casinos and the lottery; they always show people who seem insanely happy and we buy...

Overcoming the Barriers to Happiness

A couple of weeks ago, I visited the Taipei zoo in Taiwan.  This is the zoo where the movie The Life of Pi was filmed. There were dozens of classes of kindergarteners visiting that day, hundreds of smiling, giggling kids each sporting a bright blue cap, blue...