JumpStart NOW

Now is the repository of all our hopes, dreams and aspirations. Now is the soil from which all great things arise. ‘To You; Love, God’ is now available for pre-order for Christmas: http://amzn.to/1tCv7Cr Enjoy Today, Will

JumpStart LOVING

We needn’t be superheroes. We must simply be as loving as we can in every situation. That is all that is required to change our lives and our world. ‘To You; Love, God’ is now available for pre-order for Christmas: http://amzn.to/1tCv7Cr Enjoy Today,...


Most suffering is self-inflicted and the will endure so long as we blame it on someone else. ‘To You; Love, God’ is now available for pre-order for Christmas: http://amzn.to/1tCv7Cr Enjoy Today, Will


When the soul is ready, the next level of life will present itself. We ready our souls through love and patience. ‘To You; Love, God’ is now available for pre-order for Christmas: http://amzn.to/1tCv7Cr Enjoy Today, Will

JumpStart ACTION

You are the one you have been waiting for. Take action now and discover how truly powerful you are. ‘To You; Love, God’ is now available for pre-order for Christmas: http://amzn.to/1tCv7Cr Enjoy Today, Will

JumpStart SEEING

Never say, “SEE?  I told you I couldn’t…(whatever).” Instead, begin to SEE the potential that lies dormant within you and call it forth. Enjoy Today, Will